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Image & Appearance

Image & Appearance

Image and appearance are notable topic areas today, especially for YOUR career.  If you google the words image and appearance you will receive  491,000,000 million results and Amazon currently has over  12,978 related books.  

Our Image Service is a customized service which includes a consultation, that focuses on how effective business dress can create true corporate class while respecting individual style preferences for both women and men.

Inspired by The Center for Talent Innovation's 2012 research on Appearance and Executive Presence (EP), which states "Appearance counts, largely as a filter through which your communication, skills and gravitas become more apparent. Central to looking like a leader is:
1. Good grooming (35 percent say it contributes to a woman’s EP, 38 percent say it contributes to a man’s)
2. Physical attractiveness (16 percent say it contributes to a woman’s EP, 14 percent say it contributes to a man’s)

We focus on 10 key areas with you (4 hours):
1. The importance of image in business
2. What colors suit you best
3. How to determine the best styles for you
4. What fabrics and prints are best for you
5. Pitfalls in buying clothes and how to make effective choices consistent with your style and budget
6. Become familiar with dress codes and their meaning
7. The major do's and don'ts of business dress
8. Dressing Age appropriate
9. Managing trends
10. Grooming

Please let us help you to enhance your image and appearance.

Call us today for pricing!

"You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it".-Edith Head, American costume designer who won eight Academy Awards
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