Executive Presence
Executive Presence is the hottest career topic today, especially for technical occupations and industries. If you google the words Executive Presence you will receive 65,000,000 results and Amazon currently has over 1600 related books.
Our Executive Presence program provides the most comprehensive training available to enhance professional presence in today’s demanding, business interactions (min 24 hours).
We are best in class and licensed to deliver competency building strategies from Corporate Class, Inc.©. Our topics are based on over 30 years of research from business, academia, healthcare, banking, military, and government industries. Notable work from researchers, distinguished professionals, professors from the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI), Harvard University, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University, Center for Creative Leadership, and American University.
The Center for Talent Innovation's 2012 Executive Presence research sponsored by American Express, Bloomberg, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, Gap, Inc, Goldman Sachs, Interpublic Group, Marie Claire, and Moody's Foundation noted the following 4 key points:
1. "The Three Pillars of Executive Presence are: Communication, Gravitas, and Appearance."
2. "Executive Presence accounts for 25% of what it takes to get to the next promotion."
3. "Presence alone won't get you promoted.....-but its absence will impede your progress, especially if you are a female or person of color."
4. "Top jobs often elude women and professionals of color because they lack executive presence, or underestimate its importance. And they're simply not getting the guidance they need to acquire it."
Please let us enhance your Executive Presence skills in communication, gravitas, and appearance.
Call us today for pricing!
"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant." - Max de Pree, businessman and writer